PICTURES SPEAK A THOUSAND WORDS. PLEASE BE PATIENT AS IT DOWNLOADS. From the city of the melting pot and beyond, this is my bird's eye view on food. As a foodie, my choice for discussion will always be food related; either through my own preparation; or restaurants that strike me for its: 1) taste, 2) presentation, 3) value or creativity. Food is beautiful. And sharing its beauty delights me. I hope that you enjoy and learn something new each time you view! Join me!
Friday, September 18, 2020
Kaboucha Squash Soup
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
I was watching NHK TV when I saw this in one of their shows. So Intried it today! It’s onion rings that can be a full lunch in itself! They used it for their segment BENTO!
Today, I decided to have it for lunch.
1 Large onion (preferably sweet like Vidalia onion
10 strips of bacon thin pork belly
1/2 c flour
1 egg beaten
1/2 c or more of panko
1/2 cup safflower oil for frying
2TB ketchup, 1 TB Worcestershire sauce and 1 tsp soy sauce
Peel and slice onion. Slice about 1/4 to 1/3 inch thick circles. Remove some lose onion out if the circle to look like a ring.
Thread the bacon through going around the ring of onion wrapping it around covering the onion well with the pork belly.
In separate bowls, put the flour in one of the bowls, beat eggs in the other bowl, and panko on the third ball.
Coat onion ring wrapped with pork in flour first, and then egg? And last in panko. Make sure it is well coated around.
Heat oil in a small pan . Once it’s hot, drop the prepared onion rings 2 at a fine. Fry 3 minutes in each side. Drain on rack.
Serve with sauce above made with Ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce.
Also can be served with cauliflower rice.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Friday, July 24, 2020
Two weeks before, I went to get my mat, roller and extra block. Before I used to only have my own yoga mat, a block and my weights. So now, I felt adequately prepared for the pandemic as they literally shit our gym 19 days later! And we were not allowed to go out as the cuty surged in cases of Coronavirus. Little did I know (besides my friend in the exercise class who notified us that school will be closed soon and that everything will be dome online, I depended on watching NHK-TV news for latest in the pandemic and of course very neutral informative news)
I had my mask ready since January 24 ahead of the normal New Yorkers, and have ordered and started to buy necessities.
Most of America has ignored the pandemic but because I tune in to NHK TV, I became more cautious thinking it may come to us too. Like a Scout, my motto is always “Be prepared”.
By mid-March we got locked down to prevent the spread. As much as I love to cook, after a while it seemed the only main job I did during lockdown, after a few weeks I started getting rundown doing the same thing everyday. Between cleaning after cooking and preparing the next meal and doing the chores in the apartment I felt like a mouse in a cage just going round and round. After a few weeks, I enrolled to a few delivery platforms and became a member for a year of many. I joined the ones that carried items I like and necessities. But that also took time to set up what to order. Most of the time they need you to order a minimum amount so they won’t charge extra for delivery even though I have already joined membership. I now suddenly have a new schedule. My late hours of searching the Internet for purveyors and who uses delivery services began to be my new job.
What I have learned is to stock up my necessities so I have ample supplies at all times. So whenever possible I would buy 4-6 of the same item just in case. I even stocked up with my vitamins planning through January in case it is too dangerous to go out on the next wave. They said this virus thrives in dry cold air. I also found out it can live in the freezer!
So now, my time is consumed taking precautions when I buy food from outside or even deliveries. I try not to pick up a delivered good from the handle but from awkward sides and then wash my hands. I transfer the fresh produce carefully into my own plastic bags before I store them in my fridge. This way the plastic bag in the grocery store which laid on the counter which someone may possibly put their hand on, coughed on to cover their mouth when they coughed or sneezed will not be on my plastic bag.
I probably sound like a nut to you but my mother was a Parasitologist and I learned a lot about tracing where bacteria comes from.
Jump forward - our city is now in Phase 4 and the restaurants have begun to open. Dining is outside at the moment. It’s pretty outside. I have watched the restaurants take up car lanes on streets that the city has allowed them to use for dining out
My one wish: Keep up distancing within 6 feet or more; and wear your mask unless you are alone in open air or at home. Exercise, eat well and sleep well. Soon we will look at this in the past. There will always be a pandemic. It has been happening from time in memorial. I just hope we do not harm ourselves beyond what it is currently doing.
#perseverance #faith #pandemic #reataurants #Phase4 #outdoordining
Monday, June 29, 2020
The blanched snap pease
Saturday, June 27, 2020
TOMATO TART (French Style)
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
First you crack 2 eggs on a buttered dish
Then you pour the Morrell mixture on top and bake in a preheated oven of 375F degrees for about 10
minutes and serve.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Monday, February 24, 2020

This is my @Souvide machine that I have not used much and now finally learned how to operate it!
I seasoned the pork with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Placed each of the pieces to fit the bag and sealed it. I then out it in the #Souvide machine at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 hours.
Removed it, and open up the package I wanted to use and seared it quick on a very hot steel pan. Because this is the wagyu of pork, it also has plenty of fat in between the meat so I did not need to put any oil or butter in the pan. Probably seared it for a minute on each side. I cooked the pork in the machine for 3 hours at 135 degrees Fahrenheit because I wanted the meat to be pink but not well done or rare.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Nagano Trip and Soba
#pasta #howto #soba #cooking #trip #nagano