PICTURES SPEAK A THOUSAND WORDS. PLEASE BE PATIENT AS IT DOWNLOADS. From the city of the melting pot and beyond, this is my bird's eye view on food. As a foodie, my choice for discussion will always be food related; either through my own preparation; or restaurants that strike me for its: 1) taste, 2) presentation, 3) value or creativity. Food is beautiful. And sharing its beauty delights me. I hope that you enjoy and learn something new each time you view! Join me!
Saturday, March 3, 2018
It’s almost a year since I had this imported dark chocolate Easter bunny sitting in my pantry all cracked up. What to do!
For the next few days, I would take a big chunk of this almost year old Easter Bunny Chocolate and defrost it in my microwave until it looks like a puddle of thick shiny dipping chocolate. I toasted a slice of filone bread from #Sullivanbread - my favorite bread source, crisp and dark outside and loosely aired textured firm white bread in the inside.
I use the defrost cycle for about a minute to melt the chocolate soft enough to become my chocolate dip.
Next best thing to having churros.
Sullivan Bread