Monday, April 6, 2015


3-4 Chucken thighs with skin (or without)
4 Chicken wings
4 large garlic cloves minced
4-5 five-inch Rosemary branches 
1-3 peels carrots sliced 1/2 inch thick
1 can flat anchovies (or 2oz)
1 TB of course ground pepper 
1 cup of balsamic vinegar or a little more
4-6 TB olive oil (without skin use 6TB)

Heat oil and fry chicken for a few minutes to get the sides golden's ghe brown. Add the garlic, Rosemary and peppercorns.  Put it under the chicken pieces in the pot.

Add the anchovies, carrots and and pour in the balsamic vinegar.

Cook uncovered over medium heat turning chicken pieces every 10 minutes for about 30 minutes-40 minutes.
Serve it either with mashed potatoes, pasta with garlic tomato sauce or garlic rice, rice pilaf or even plain rice.

Above - served with roasted potatoes with garlic and sundried tomatoes
Above, served with plain white rice!
Love this dish!

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