PICTURES SPEAK A THOUSAND WORDS. PLEASE BE PATIENT AS IT DOWNLOADS. From the city of the melting pot and beyond, this is my bird's eye view on food. As a foodie, my choice for discussion will always be food related; either through my own preparation; or restaurants that strike me for its: 1) taste, 2) presentation, 3) value or creativity. Food is beautiful. And sharing its beauty delights me. I hope that you enjoy and learn something new each time you view! Join me!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
- 218 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012
EL PRESIDENTE #Mexicanreataurantnyc
My long awaited new restaurant in the Flatiron area turned out to be like a copy of Tacombi in SoHo. They charge pretty similar but the crispy fish taco at El Presidente is a little larger without the Volkswagen Wagon order station and the outdoor feel.
Although El Prediente makes an awesome crisp fries mahi mahi taco, I miss the unique sauces at my more favored SoHo taco place which is why I rate this lower.
This place is more accessible to me though.
And El Presidente has more variety of tacos. I liked the gringo which tasted like Mexican pizza.